Welcome to lifetoriesworldwide website. We have a lot to offer and we would be delighted for you to be part of it. I was 18 years old when I first came in contact with the Business men's Fellowship and I can honestly say that no other Christian ministry has had a bigger impact on me, my work and my journey through life than Business Men's Fellowship. I have been given incredible support, advice and opportunities than one could only dream of.
Steven Turnbull CEO Business Men's Fellowship
Business Men's Fellowship is the evangelistic organisation behind lifstoriesworldwide whose main purpose is to reach everyone with the powerful, inspirational, life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. We have reached out through personal testimonies, dinner events, and encouraged one another through conferences, prayer meetings and fellowship days. More recently we have established a presence on Zoom holding weekly meetings that are streamed live on facebook and youtube. The stories are then re-posted under Lifestories TV each each week. We have now reached over 10 million people worldwide. We have have also reached out overseas to Kenya and Uganda with sports outreaches, prison visits, events in military barracks and community gatherings and we have seen 90,000 men come to know Jesus Christ in these two countries.
We launched Life Stories @ Lunch on social media, acquiring over 100,000 followers on our social media platforms so far with our posts watched by tens of thousands and reaching10's of millions people with testimonies of the living God.
We have a place for you. Please contact us and find out about the opportunities we can provide for you to serve and how we can encourage you in your walk. We believe you can fulfil that purpose through bmf-uk. We look forward to hearing from you.