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Working Together



Partnership is open to all Christian men and women  from all walks of life. Please contact us via email or phone to ask for details

Tel: +44 7943550287​

Partner's Action Plan 

To commit to witness to the power and presence of God in the world today through your testimony in the marketplace. To provide a basis of Christian fellowship among all everywhere through an organisation that is not directly associated with any specific church, but co-operating with all those of a like mind. To inspire the partners to be active in their respective churches, to be a service to the Church

Expectation of Partners  


Becoming a partner with lifestoriesworldwide you become a partner of a team on a mission: As a partner, you are expected to accept and act upon your responsibility to the Great Commission with a focus on our calling to reach the business communities of our nation with the salvation of Christ.

As a lifestoriesworldwide partner you are an ambassador for Christ, accepting the responsibility to be His witness by living to Godly standards and testifying to His transforming power in your personal and business life.

Presenting the Salvation of Christ to the Marketplace: Our partners hold meetings to suit the busy schedules of local businessmen. These usually include time set aside for a meal as we believe that even casual conversation over food will have an impact on men as they hear what God is doing in the lives of people today

Financial Partnership

You can also support by contributing financially. No gift is too small and you can do this in several ways. You can make a monthly payment by standing order or just go to out giving page and click on make a donation. These donations and monthly payments helps us to support the work both in the UK and abroad. 


Join us by becoming a partner

Life Stories at lunch is a non profit making business networking group linking businesses across the UK in their local communities. They are supported by generous giving in several formats. One-time donations are welcome to support the meetings all over the UK, but regular support provides Life Stories at Lunch with a more consistent source of income, so they do not have to be overly concerned about whether they will be able to maintain the support level throughout the year. 



You can make a one off payment or set up a standing order to make a monthly payment using the details on the right to either of the accounts. 

Account name : Business Men’s Fellowship 

Sort code : 16-27-23

Account no. : 10161284

Business Men’s Fellowship Life Stories at Lunch 
Sort Code : 16 27 23
Account no. 10144355

Thanks for submitting!

For BMF International Payments - USE - IBAN Number GB63RBOS16272310161284

For Lifestories International Payments - USE - IBAN Number GB82RBOS16272310144355

Supported by Business Mens Fellowship - Registered Charity SC025720
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